Wednesday, December 10, 2008



It can be called the marriage of glamour with sci-tech, the clash of glittering jewellery and stones with slithering protons. Photons of light bouncing off the shimmer and sheen of pancake embellished with glitter. For the first time in Asian scientific history, Bollywood will meet sci-tech and hi-tech at the Nobel Laureates Science Conclave at IIIT-Allahabad – the biggest scientific gathering on this continent. The week-long event will be flagged off on 15th December, 2008.

Bollywood stars, actors and performers like Hema Malini, Shradha Sharma, Anup Jalota, Mital Singh, Bhupinder Singh and Penaz Masani have already confirmed their presence. Many more are still expected to join. According to Flynn Remedios, National Media Co-ordinator, Science Conclave 2008, "The presence of Bollywood will lighten enlightened minds as they pontificate on the Origin of the Universe, Relativity, Particle Physics, Nuclear medicine, Nanotechnology, Wearable Computing and so on."

According to Dr M D Tiwari, Founding Director, IIIT-A, "For the first time in Indian and Asian history, 12 Nobel Laureates, leaders, policymakers, research scholars and students including the first batch of the "INSPIRE" program by the DST will participate in the conclave to discuss the emerging trends in the scientific research and technological innovations in world of science. This is a great opportunity for the Indian scientific community particularly young minds to interact with global veterans and stalwarts in the respective scientific disciplines. A few thousand scientists, post-grad students and others are expected to converge and interact with the Nobel Laureates at IIIT-A for the event."

Many Indian senior politicians, bureaucrats and ministerial heads are also expected to attend this event. The Governor of Harayana and others like Shri Arjun Singh, HRD Minister, Govt. of India, Shri Ram Vilas Paswan, Minister for Steel, Chemicals and Fertilizers, Shri Charanjit Singh Atwal, Dy Speaker of the Lok Sabha have already confirmed their participation and attendance.

The Hon'ble Prime Minister has also been invited to inaugurate the event as well as other senior politicians from the IT and I&B Ministry are likely to attend.

The Nobel Laureates Science Conclave is part of the Science Conclave 2008 – a mega symposium, exhibition and lecture series on science and technology at the IIIT-A and is the outcome of the untiring efforts of Dr M D Tiwari and his team of dedicated scientists and faculty at IIIT, Allahabad.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Bollywood actress denies Tamil paper report.


Tollywood rumour mills were abuzz with gossip on Tuesday that the sexy and voluptuous Bollywood damsel Shradha Sharma will be seen in the buff for a forthcoming south film.

According to a newspaper report, the so-called film featuring Shradha is based on Vinod Pandey's Sins (which in turn was based on the 1960's Hollywood movie The Priest's Wife in which Italian director Carlo Ponti cast Sophia Loren as the seductress humorously hankering the priest Marcello Mastroianni) and is set in the picturesque locales of Kerala. It talks about a priest who has an affair with a local woman who is a TV news reporter – allegedly played by Shradha Sharma.

According to the article that appeared on Sunday and carried a photo of Shradha - ostensibly picked up from the internet - Shradha has some very revealing scenes in the film and is completely nude in one frame. The report went on to mention that Shradha had about 40 kissing scenes and about 5 love making scenes and was cast as a nymphomaniac, breaking all records of Mallika Sherawat.

Pandey's Sins which featured Shiney Ahuja as the priest had raised eyebrows and stirred protests in Mumbai and in the South. "At least I am not doing this film. I don't know why the paper printed my photograph," said an angry Shradha. Probably there must be some other actress by that name.

Shradha has already signed on two big banner south films – one in Tamil and the other in Telugu. The report first appeared on a blog which was picked up by some regional and vernacular newspapers in Punjab, Delhi and even a Tamil paper in the South published the snippet. While the northern papers only mentioned the name Shradha Sharma, the Tamil paper also published a photo. Then TV channels in the south began scrolling the news.

Shradha has become an overnight rage due to her sexy and revealing photo shoots. Both Shradha Sharma and her publicist Flynn Remedios have vehemently denied these news reports. "Yes I am doing two south films, but I never said I was going to pose nude in any of them," Shradha retorted. "It may be a case of mistaken identity and Shradha's photograph was wrongly associated with the report," said Flynn Remedios, adding that they were waiting for a copy of the newspaper to decide about defamatory action.

Monday, December 1, 2008



The sexy and vivacious Kaveri Jha who was last seen in Hijack opposite Shiney Ahuja was mistaken for a farm hand and villager in Ooty and even reprimanded asked to “get to work quickly”.

In Kaveri own words, “Around mid-November, I was shooting in the fields of Ooty for a Tamil movie. My costumes and the outfit I was wearing were so natural and looked real, like any of the women working in the fields nearby. During a break in the shoot, I went for a walk to breathe some fresh air. I was walking around some fields when a farm supervisor or ‘mukadam’ approached me and almost rebuked me in Tamil. I didn’t understand much but it was quite clear that he was scolding me for not working and rambling around. Initially, I didn’t know how to react and just stood still. It took him a full five minutes to realize that I was an actress and not a local.”

Apparently, Kaveri’s crew and unit hands particularly the locals had a hearty laugh at her expense when she narrated the incident. The joke went on for a few days and spawned many other jokes all on Kaveri who was embarrassed but laughed it off.

Kaveri who played a chic, rich girl in Hijack falls in love with the pilot Shiney culminating in almost a fairy tale romance. According to Kaveri’s publicist, Flynn Remedios, Kaveri is also doing a film with Priyadarshan called Bum Bum Bole which is an adaptation of the hit Iranian film ‘Children of Heaven’. She is also working on her fourth Telugu film project and is a big hit in the south. She is shooting almost 24 X 7 x 25 for her south films and has a couple of big Hindi film projects in the pipe line, said Flynn Remedios.

Saturday, November 29, 2008


Fires her secretary for booking her on Jetlite


The hot, sexy and eye-popping TV and Bollywood actress Shradha Sharma has fired her secretary for booking her on a Jetlite flight from Delhi to Mumbai last week wherein her
belongings worth Rs 3 lakh were stolen by airline loaders.

Her Media Manager and publicist Flynn Remedios confirmed that her secretary Manoj Singh who was handling her bookings and schedule till recently was told to pack his bags, because he disobeyed Shradha’s instructions.

Shradha who literally lives out of her suitcase, given the fact that she is doing two stage shows a week had given standing instructions to her secretary to only book her on either Kingfisher Airlines or Jet Airways. However, Singh went ahead and booked her on the ill-fated Jetlite (formely Sahara Airlines) flight where her baggage, jewellery and cash worth Rs 3 lakh was stolen by some Jetlite employees. Two persons have been arrested by the Palam Airport Police in this case after Shradha registered an FIR. “I would fly Kingfisher Airlines or Jet Airways only because I was assured of their quality of service. Now I have decided not to fly Jet anymore because of the pathetic attitude of their staff,” she said.

Shradha Sharma has vowed never to fly Jet Airways or Jetlite again, says Flynn Remedios. According to Shradha Sharma, “
The police have arrested two Jetlite loaders including the X-Ray machine supervisor who saw the cash and valuables in her bag when her suitcase was being screened and tipped off another loader to break open her bag and steal it. The fact that two employees were arrested and my bag recovered from them proves that Jetlite staffers or employees were involved. My bag, car keys, credit cards and camera has been recovered from the arrested persons. Jetlite should have immediately compensated me for the cash which was stolen, but they haven’t done so. They first denied that anything was amiss, in spite of noting that two kilos was less in my bag when it reached Mumbai airport. Now the involvement of their employees has been proved beyond doubt and the airline should have immediately made good the loss.”

Shradha was to travel to Hyderabad the next day for a stage show. Due to this incident she had to cancel her performance, resulting in an additional loss of Rs. Two lakh for the actress, who has now vowed never to travel by Jet Airways or Jetlite again.

Please also read:

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Actress Shradha Sharma accuses airline Jetlite officials of humiliation and torture

FIR registered against Jetlite loaders for theft of valuables worth Rs 2.6 lakh

By Frank Franklyn –
Futuristic Media Network

Bollywood and TV actress, the glamorous Shradha Sharma has accused economy airline Jetlite (formerly Sahara Airways and now owned by the Jet Airways Group) of humiliation, torture and theft. In a police complaint registered by Shradha Sharma and her manager and publicist Flynn Remedios, Shradha has accused Jetlite staff and loaders of stealing her camera, cash, jewellery and other items like wallet containing credit cards, car keys and house keys.

The FIR No. 62/08 u/s 379 (theft) registered at the Airport Police Station near the domestic air terminal in Mumbai on 22nd November 2008, states that Shradha was returning to Mumbai on Saturday morning via a Jetlite flight S2 0107 from Delhi to Mumbai after a stage performance in Ghaziabad.

Shradha was running a fever due to the climate change and over exertion – she had been rehearsing for two days continuously and had taken ill due to stress. On her flight back from Delhi she was carrying about Rs 1.5 lakh in cash (given to her as professional fees for the stage show), her digital camera/camcorder, new N96 mobile phone and some other items totally valued at approximately Rs 3 lakh.

At Delhi airport while screening her baggage at the X-Ray machine, she told the attendant that she had valuables and money in her handbag and asked him if it was wiser to take it as hand baggage or put it in her suitcase. The attendant immediately responded that she should put the small handbag inside the main bag and that they would seal it in her presence. She did accordingly locking the suitcase and the loaders strapped it and sealed it after affixing the security sticker. Shradha was relieved as she wanted to go to sleep on the flight and didn’t want to have the tension of carrying the cash with her on flight.

Upon landing in Mumbai, at the conveyor belt she noticed that her bag was in tatters. The lock was missing and the zipper was broken. Even the side pocket zippers were open. It was obvious that the imported Marco Polo soft luggage suitcase had been broken into. She immediately checked her bag and found her expensive Cartier handbag – itself worth about Rs 20,000/- was missing and so were her cash and other items.

Shradha who was alone, immediately contacted the first Jetlite assistant she could spot and told him that her bag had been broken and cash was missing. The assistant looked at her from head to toe and immediately muttered to himself in Hindi under his breath and said, “Why do women with lesser clothes have more money.” He also told her that she was probably paying more attention to her clothes than to her belongings.

Shradha who was offended and broke into tears immediately, phoned her manager and publicist Flynn Remedios and another friend who rushed to the airport and reached in about 20 minutes.

Says Flynn Remedios, “Shradha was in tears and crying bitterly when I finally managed to get inside. As per rules non-passengers are not allowed to enter the departure or arrival lounges and the Airport Manager refused to give me a temporary pass even though I explained the situation to him. The CISF guards told me to get a pass from the Duty Manager and he in turn told me to get permission from the CISF. For about 30 minutes, I kept shuttling between the Duty Manager’s cabin and the CISF post. Shradha who was running a very high fever and was fatigued as the stage show had got over only at 2 am the previous night, was about to suffer a complete break down,” he said.

The drama continued for about two hours. Finally, Jetlite officials verified the tampered bag, weighed it and acknowledged in writing that about two kilograms was less. An FIR was registered for theft under section 379. “The police were very co-operative and immediately registered our complaint unlike the Jetlite officials,” said Shradha.

Adds Remedios, who is also a techno-legal professional, “Shradha didn’t tell me about the remarks passed by the male Jetlite staffer immediately or I would have insisted that the police add sections 354 and 509 of the IPC for insulting and outraging the modesty of a woman.” According to Shradha, she was running a very high fever and was completely fatigued. “I was helpless and crying and had lost my precious belongings worth Rs 3 lakh, but the Jetlite duty manager did not even bother to come and meet me for two minutes.” We asked for the duty manager, but were told he is busy and cannot attend to us. We were attended by very junior officials who had no authority to do anything, except weight the bag and make a report,” adds Flynn Remedios.

Jetlite officials are carrying out an internal investigation. The police have called for CCD camera data from Delhi airport as well as the X-Ray images of Shradha’s baggage which will prove that her baggage did contain the cash and valuables and identify the loaders at the X-Ray machine.

However Jetlite officials are trying to pass the blame on to Shradha claiming that she should not have put the cash into her check-in baggage. A Jetlite official even denied that the weight of Shradha’s luggage was less, in spite of having given a written memo.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Daniel "Bond" Craig thinks Shilpa Shetty is the ideal Bond girl

By Frank Franklyn - Futuristic Media Network

Dale Bhagwagar is one hell of a lucky guy. What began as a random promotional quote from a Bollywood publicist is now on the lips of one of Hollywood's biggest heart-throbs.

Can we call it the power of suggestion or merely the randomness of a trillion, billion neurons at work on this planet?

A year ago, celebrity publicist Dale Bhagwagar (who handled PR for the gorgeous Shilpa Shetty for the best five years of her career) was asked by a British journalist from Daily Mail, if he felt any Indian actress could play a Bond girl. Pat came the reply from a charged Dale - he'd almost instantly shot out Shilpa Shetty's name. Today, Daniel 'Bond' Craig is echoing the publicist's words.

After Dale's comment last year, various websites and blogs carried out opinion polls on the subject, and Shilpa, with all the Celebrity Big Brother hype just behind her, topped the charts. The hoopla also created widespread speculation in India and abroad, resulting in rumours that Shilpa could be the likely choice for the next Bond girl.

Months later and after the release of his second Bond thriller 'Quantum of Solace', in an interview aired on NDTV Movies, Daniel has echoed Dale's words, stating, "I think she (Shilpa) looks great and has a killing figure, just right for a Bond girl". This, coming from Bond himself, could be very flattering for Shilpa as well as her ex-publicist.

But when we got in touch with Dale, he wasn't too amused. "Such developments are normal for a strategizing publicist. I'd call it the power of good PR," is all he replied.

It remains to be seen if Shilpa's new publicist Rohini Iyer will carry on Dale's PR legacy and ensure that popular public opinion makes the sexy Shilpa Shetty a "Bond" girl.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Sexy Bombshell Poonam Jhawer backs out of Playboy shoot:

Doesn’t mind posing nude for a big Bollywood film

By Frank Franklyn –

Sexy Bollywood actress and spicy music sensation Poonam Jhawer apparently backed out of a Playboy centre spread assignment saying that it was too hot for her to handle. Poonam though doesn’t mind posing nude for a big Bollywood film, if the scenes suit the role and the script demands it.

Poonam was expected to don her 'birthday suit' for the Playboy photo session, and was also offered a huge sum of money for the nude shoot, say sources, but she decided not to do it, said her Media Manager and Publicist, Flynn Remedios.

According to Poonam's official website, the talented and hot actress, has worked opposite Suniel Shetty in Gulshan Rai-Rajeev Rai's Golden Jubilee film Mohra and is the only young producer till now in Indian Cinema who became a producer with multi-crore movie without any filmi background. She is the producer of Aanch.

As an Actor, she is/was seen in Deewana Hoon Main Tera, B&W - The Black & White Fact, Jiyaala and Aanch. She is also working on south film with Mammootty. As a Singer she was in Sun Meri Rani – Aanch, which is picturised on Nana Patekar and herself. Her music videos include Pooh Kya Jalwa Hain, Take Me Home Baby and Poo 4 U, said Flynn Remedios.

Poonam who is affectionately called Poo by her friends, was born on 14th August in Mumbai. Poonam belongs to a business class family and her mother is a well-known poetess. She on her own has taken the initiative of producing a big film like 'Aanch' along with B.L.Saboo. Aanch starred Nana Patekar, Paresh Rawal, Ayesha Jhulka, Introducing Vyajyanti Mala Bali's son Suchindra Bali, Sharbani Mukherjee, Raghuveer Yadav, Nirmal Pandey, Akhilendra Mishra, Arun Bakshi etc.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Dutch youth proposes to bombshell Rachna Maurya in Amsterdam

By EmmanuelFuturistic Media Network

A local, 20-something, rich youth walked into a radio station in Amsterdam and proposed to actress and hot Bollywood siren Rachna Maurya. The youth managed to bypass all the security of the radio station and went in unstopped. Rachna who was on air being interviewed at the studio about her latest album with Sukhbir was flabbergasted and tongue tied. And so was the Radio Jockey who was praising Rachna’s video that has become a rage on dance floors at ethnic joints in the West. The youth who is an actor and whose family owns a huge mansion besides a fleet of cars and a fashion label, refused to leave the Radio Station until Rachna promised to meet him for dinner the next day.

A shell-shocked Rachna promised to meet the lad the next evening knowing well that she was to fly out of the city early next morning. Says Rachna, “Though, I knew I was leaving by the first flight in the morning, I had no option but to fib and get the kid out of the studio or else he would have been arrested had the studio security to call the police.” While Rachna who is shooting in Hyderabad for a big South film was unable for further comment, her publicist and Media Manager,
Flynn Remedios said that though Rachna was a little unnerved by the incident, she has put it past her and plunged head-long into her film shoot. Rachna will be shooting for about ten days in Hyderabad before she returns to Mumbai, informed Flynn Remedios.

Rachna Maurya who was in Amsterdam as part of Adnan Sami’s World Tour also performed in Nottingham, Glasgow and Wembley. All these shows went without a hitch as far as Rachna was concerned and were a bit hit. Rachna’s Desi Soda Whiskey video and Sukhbir’s Tere Naal Nachna are a big craze with youngsters in Canada, Australia and the entire European region. She has also done an item number in Dus (Deedar De) and music videos for Himesh Reshamiya and Rahul Sharma.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Hot and sexy actress Shradha Sharma mobbed in Jaipur

By EmmanuelFuturistic Media Network

The hot, sexy and curvaceous Bollywood babe Shradha Sharma was recently mobbed in Jaipur while performing at a stage show. Shradha, who has carved a niche for herself as Bollywood’s “dhamaka item dancer” for her fabulous jhatkas and matkas on stage, not to forget her drop-dead persona and outrageous outfits, is flushed with offers for stage shows and has been literally living out of her suitcase.

According to Shradha Sharma’s publicist and manager, Flynn Remedios, who was present with her at the event, about 100-odd persons tried to barge into her green room after her performance and demanded that Shradha come out and pose for photographs with them. Sensing the boisterous mood of the crowd, Shradha refused to come out and stayed put in her changing room, which was a make-shift enclosure. The crowd got more and more rowdy and began banging on the door. Her manager and the organizers called the cops, who had to resort to a mild lathi-charge to disperse the unruly crowd. Later on, surrounded by about 50 policemen and bouncers, Sharada left the venue through a back entrance and headed straight for Delhi.

Choreographer and organizer Vikas Borde of Live Events, Delhi, while admitting the incident said that it was very unfortunate that such an episode happened.

According to industry reports, Shradha Sharma has recently signed on three films with G P Sippy, one of them with Sidharth Koirala, the younger brother of Manisha Koirala. Shradha has done live stage performances with Kumar Sanu and Himesh Reshamiya, besides others. She has about 400 live-stage performances to her credit both in India and abroad and is known for her stand-up performances, besides choreographed dances.

Her performances in India include those in smaller towns like Calicut, Pune, Nagpur, Aurangabad, Gurgaon and Noida. Shradha has also performed in the USA, Canada, UK, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Australia and the United Arab Emirates.

Monday, March 10, 2008


Sherlyn Chopra composes special national integration song for Raj, Balasaheb, Lallu and Nitish…

Flynn RemediosFuturistic Media Network

Outrageous Bollywood bombshell
Sherlyn Chopra has composed a special song for the sparring political leaders, in different parts of the country that urges them to forget their differences and concentrate on the economic development of the nation, she announced at a special Press Meet on Saturday at the Vie Lounge, at Juhu in suburban Mumbai.

Since the war of words broke out between political leaders, Raj Thackeray of the MNS, Balasaheb Thackeray of the Shiv Sena on one side and Amar Singh, Nitesh Kumar and Lallu Prasad Yadav on the other, many Bollywood personalities like Nana Patekar, SRK, Aamir Khan, Suneil Shetty, etc have voiced their opinion, sentiment and support for and against the politicians and their cause.

However, the queen of internet downloads, inspired by
Black Eyed Peas front man’s inspirational song - for US Presidential candidate Barrack Obama - “Yes we Can” has penned a verse on her own.'s “Yes we Can”, registered over 10 million hits on You Tube in a matter of a few weeks and Sherlyn hopes that her track too which is “greatly inspired by her friend” whom she met with recently at the Global Mobile Awards in Barcelona will have reasonable success. “It’s like our very own Hum Honge Kamiyaab” but in English and has a hip hop feel to it,” says Sherlyn who recited the song for the media on Saturday. The final version of the music is yet to be done, she said.

The lyrics go something like: “It doesn’t matter if we are dark or fair, it doesn’t matter if we call it pooja or prayer; It doesn’t matter if we have different opinions, it doesn’t matter if we have different dominions; It doesn’t matter if we belong to Bihar or Maharashtra, it doesn’t matter if we belong to Chennai or Andhra; We can all still be one, Yes we can, Yes we can; We can be enemies with none, Yes we can. We can be ONE INDIA, no matter who we are, no matter where we are, Yes we can, Yes we can!

She is working on the music with DJ Akbar Sami and it will ready for release in the next few days, said actress and singer Sherlyn Chopra.

Friday, February 15, 2008


Flynn RemediosFuturistic Media Network

The Queen of Internet downloads and the most downloaded internet babe
Sherlyn Chopra bagged her most 'Outrageous' assignment till date – she was selected as the "Face of Bollywood" to represent the marriage of glamour, oomph and spunk with cutting-edge technology at an annual event - the 3GSM World Congress in Barcelona.

Sherlyn Chopra was the only Bollywood actress chosen to represent India at the function. Last year Dia Mirza was the Indian representative at the same event. Her music video "Outrageous" from her debut album by the same name got a standing ovation when it was played at the Global Mobile Awards ceremony. The video was directed by ace adman Prahlad Kakkar and is distributed and marketed in India and abroad by India's largest music company T series.

Sherlyn gave away the award to the head honcho of
Yahoo Inc for the “Best Infotainment Portal of the Year.” You can view Sherlyn’s pics at the official Global Mobile Awards website at

Her music video which was played during the
Global Mobile Awards function was received with a standing ovation from the entire audience and particularly august members like international comedian Graham Norton, Hollywood legend and Sundance Institute Founder, Robert Redford and Grammy-award-winning rapper and hip hop artiste of the Black Eyed Peas.

Film Legend Robert Redford, founder of the Sundance Institute, was one of the attractions at the World Congress.

Speaking to this reporter from Barcelona, Sherlyn said, “I have discussed various projects, which I will share with the media at the opportune time.” However, Sherlyn’s managers said that she had signed five deals with international groups and bands to “work together”. Sherlyn said she will “disclose all” at a Press Conference very soon. Sherlyn had one-on-one meetings with lead rapper of Hip Hop and funk band Black Eyed Peas and Robert Redford of the Sundance Institute

Besides Sherlyn Chopra and her music album, two other brands or projects were chosen: south icon Rajnikant's film Sultan – The Warrior and Race was showcased at the same event by the World's biggest mobile content aggregator provides mobile content to cellular operators in about 56 countries across the world including all major operators in India.

Sherlyn beat established brands like Bipasha Basu,
Mallika Sherawat, and Priyanka Chopra to make it to the "A-list". She attended the conference, celebrity cocktail dinners and other sub events in Barcelona recently.

In Barcelona, Sherlyn hob-nobbed with the cellular and digital world's head honchos like our very own Sunil Mittal, Anil Ambani, Azeem Ghosh and Arun Sarin to name a few. Almost every other cellular brand from India had a presence at Barcelona and so did international brands like Verizon (one of the largest operators in the United States), Singapore Tel, Mobi Tel, Telefonica, etc.

Besides these, every other Media brand worth its name was present at the event as were the CEOs of most Fortune 100 companies.

Said Anand Jhinghan, senior vice president-International,
Hungama Mobile, "We are delighted to have Sherlyn Chopra's video 'Outrageous' featured at the Mobile World Congress at Barcelona. She is amongst two other power brands chosen for the event. Her connect with the youth on the mobile and online medium continues to grow and her brand value on the digital space in increasing leaps and bounds. She is the next big thing on the Bollywood horizon and is one of the most powerful digital brands."

This event is the biggest international gathering of telecom operators, service providers, mobile content aggregators, handset manufacturers, value added resellers and deals worth millions of dollars are expected to be negotiated and cracked at the venue.